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During World No Tobacco Day 2024  the WHO has decided to give young people across the world the opportunity to expose the predatory tobacco marketing tactics that are targeting them, endangering their lives and future (

In Samac we believe that for things to change you have to start from yourself and so we asked ourselves: what can we do to facilitate this change?

Well, why do not use the same tactic of Big Tobacco but reversing the message?

So here are the main benefits that quitting smoke will bring to you only in the first year, whatever your age may be:

  • within 20 minutes the heart rate will slow down and the blood pressure will drop;
  • after 12 hours the carbon monoxide level in the blood will return to normal;
  • from 2 to 12 weeks, circulation will improve and lung function will increase;
  • 1 to 9 months after quitting, coughing and shortness of breath will improve;
  • after 1 year, the risk of coronary heart disease will be halved compared to that of a smoker.

To see all of them read this article:

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